[Asterisk-biz] multilata voip provider who can get me DID's from not so major markets?

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Sat Apr 16 04:34:15 MST 2005

>>3) I want to keep the number because it is published and advertised.
>>4) I have a * server located in another state with excellent connectivity.
>>So I would just call-forward the line to a 207-794 DID and take the 
>>calls via SIP on my * server. That server already has a dial plan and 
>>knows how to find people at home, in the car, etc. I have SPA-2000 ata's 
>>working just fine as extensions at fixed locations.
Why don't you stick an Asterisk box behind your legacy 207-732-3700 
line(s) and forward incoming calls to your other existing, working 
Asterisk box via IAX2?

In the medium term it might be cheaper than having yet another DID and 
doing forwarding between your legacy number and the new one because 
Asterisk <-> Asterisk connections are free (once you've paid for the 
internet bandwith).


Ykoz Un Max - La VoIP en pré-payé!
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