[Asterisk-biz] Help needed convincing a big customer.

Matt Riddell matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Wed Oct 20 18:24:27 MST 2004

Thanks to everybody who replied!  I hope I've built up a pretty good 
case for him.  I've sent off all the emails.  So we'll just have to see 
how it goes.  BTW: If he requires manuals etc, I'll join up with the 
other people doing it and speed it up a bit (I can't afford the extra 
time at the moment what with the Asterisk News, but if my customer is 
willing to pay for it then its no problem).


Matt Riddell

http://www.sineapps.com/news.php (Daily Asterisk News - html)
http://www.sineapps.com/rssfeed.php (Daily Asterisk News - rss)

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