[test-results] [Bamboo] Asterisk Testing > Asterisk Trunk > #1379 has FAILED (39 tests failed, 2 failures were new). Change made by Matthew Jordan.

Bamboo bamboo at asterisk.org
Mon Jun 17 13:10:08 CDT 2013

Asterisk Testing > Asterisk Trunk > #1379 failed.
Code has been updated by Matthew Jordan.
1/2 jobs failed, with 39 failing tests, 2 failures were new.


Failing Jobs
  - Asterisk CentOS 6 32-Bit (CentOS 6): 39 of 566 tests failed.

Code Changes
Matthew Jordan (392005):

>Prevent sending a NewExten event after a Hangup during a stack restore
>When a channel is originated, its application is typically set to AppDial2,
>indicating that it was a dialed channel through the Dial API. Asterisk during
>an originate will perform a stack execute to direct the outgoing channel to
>a particular place in the dialplan or application. When the stack returns, the
>previous application (AppDial2) is restored.
>Unfortunately, in the case of an originated channel, the stack restore happens
>after hangup. A stasis message is sent notifying everyone that the application
>was restored, and this causes a NewExten event to go out after the Hangup event,
>violating the basic contract consumers have of the channel lifetime. While we
>could preclude the message from going out, restoring the channel's state before
>it executed the next higher frame in the stack has to occur, and other places
>in the code depend on this behavior.
>Since we know that channel hung up (it's a ZOMBIE!), this patch simply checks
>to see if the channel has been zombified before sending a NewExten event.
>Note that this will fix a number of bouncing tests in the Test Suite. Go tests.

New Test Failures (2)
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/apps/mixmonitor audiohook inherit
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/fax/gateway timeout3
Existing Test Failures (37)
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/apps/queues/position priority maxlen
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/iax2/basic-call
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/ s i p/sip one legged transfer
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/apps/queues/queue baseline
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/apps/queues/set penalty
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/automixmon
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/blindxfer setup
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/ s i p/sip hold
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/ s i p/sip blind transfer/callee with reinvite
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/transfer failure
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/parkcall
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/manager/bridge actions
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/ s i p/sip blind transfer/caller with reinvite
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/atxfer setup
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/ s i p/sip blind transfer/caller refer only
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/ s i p/acl call
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/fax/local channel t38 queryoption
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/disconnect
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/feature attended transfer
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/masquerade
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/dial l s options
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/automon
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/parkcall timeout/comebacktoorigin yes

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