[test-results] [Bamboo] Asterisk Testing > Asterisk Trunk > #1195 has FAILED (3 tests failed, no failures were new). Change made by dlee.

Bamboo bamboo at asterisk.org
Mon Apr 22 11:39:34 CDT 2013

Asterisk Testing > Asterisk Trunk > #1195 failed.
Code has been updated by dlee.
1/2 jobs failed, with 3 failing tests, no failures were new.


Failing Jobs
  - Asterisk CentOS 6 32-Bit (CentOS 6): 3 of 522 tests failed.

Code Changes
dlee (386232):

>This patch adds a RESTful HTTP interface to Asterisk.
>The API itself is documented using Swagger, a lightweight mechanism for
>documenting RESTful API's using JSON. This allows us to use swagger-ui
>to provide executable documentation for the API, generate client
>bindings in different languages, and generate a lot of the boilerplate
>code for implementing the RESTful bindings. The API docs live in the
>rest-api/ directory.
>The RESTful bindings are generated from the Swagger API docs using a set
>of Mustache templates.  The code generator is written in Python, and
>uses Pystache. Pystache has no dependencies, and be installed easily
>using pip. Code generation code lives in rest-api-templates/.
>The generated code reduces a lot of boilerplate when it comes to
>handling HTTP requests. It also helps us have greater consistency in the
>(closes issue ASTERISK-20891)
>Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/2376/

Existing Test Failures (3)
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/channels/ s i p/sip tls call
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/bridge/transfer failure
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/apps/confbridge/confbridge marked

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