[Dundi] ENCREJ when Dundi Query from * 1.2 to * 1.4?

Eric Stern dundi at ragnarok.frmug.org
Fri May 8 16:26:49 CDT 2009

Benoit Panizzon disait:

> Any body an idea what could go wrong with dundi between asterisk 1.2.17
> and asterisk 1.4.21 or how I can do more debugging?

Hi Benoit

I can confirm Dundi beetween 2 systems,one in 1.2 based and one in 1.4 
based can work.

I use 1.4.20-rc3 and one of my peer use 1.2 based 3 month ago.

i found only one bug,apparently,a 1.2 based system can't parse a URL bigger 
than 79 char...


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