[Dundi] ServIT.net contact information?

Brian Smith avalon73 at caerleon.us
Sat Feb 21 15:51:37 CST 2009

On Sat, 21 Feb 2009, Andy Gee wrote:

> I was, you can try to contact Bill Woodruff at bwoodruff at servit.net but 
> I don?t know if they will take a peering request or not.  Last I 
> saw/heard they were not allowing anymore calls through there.  But it?s 
> worth a shot.

Apparently they still are, as I wouldn't have known they were there if I 
weren't getting lookup replies from them.  I'll just peer with John, 
though... that still helps with hop counts.


Brian Smith // avalon73 at caerleon dot us // http://nexus.caerleon.us/
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