FW: [Dundi] DUNDi popularity

Jim Dalton jim.dalton at transnexus.com
Thu Oct 12 12:16:28 MST 2006

> >>   Because DUNDi does not solve the simple problem of who is 
> >> authoritative for which numbers.
> > If this shortcoming were solved, would DUNDi make sense for 
> a public 
> > network?
> If a binding contract covers the obligation, and you are in a 
> ring of trust, do you require technical coverage of the issue 
> as well ?

Yes, this is my question.  Would DUNDi be more successful in public networks
if there were technical means to enforce the obligations of a peering
agreement, such as honest representation of the numbers a DUNDi entity can
terminate and inter-carrier compensation.

Jim D.

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