[Dundi] Hypothetical World with DUNDI...

Teoman Haliloglu teoman at sfenks.com
Tue Jun 21 10:37:48 CDT 2005

Are you familiar with the DUNDi e164 context that is governed by the 
GPA? (See http://www.dundi.com)

Yes, I am. 

I think this does not violate any principles of the GPA. In the end, each "personal asterisk" box will become a peer responsible of holding the path to its own number. 

The beauty of DUNDI comes from the fact that it does not have a theoretical limit for the number of peers in the system. 

For me, the following peering configurations are no different, except for the fact that second configuration requires no bandwidth and extra hardware on the operator side for calls between members:

* peer x holds the location information for numbers 1,2,3,....
* peer x has dundi peering with servers s1, s2, s3 ... and s1 holds information for number 1, s2 for number 2 etc...

For redundancy, all of the servers s1, s2, s3 can be peered with peer x and peer y...

I don't want to build this system as a closed network, so peer x can peer with other servers in the public dundi network.

If this can be achieved, we may end up with a "asterisk personal edition" for home use, with a softphone bundled in it. A windows version also will be much better.

An average home user is not technically strong enough to configure dynamic dns, make changes in conf files, install and configure his softphone. If things can be simplified for him/her, then IAX will definitely become the default protocol for voice communications with the scalability that dundi brings. 

That's why skype is so popular, you just install it, and there you go... Skype is good for personal use, but has no corporate usability, user is not able to select an operator for PSTN calls. 

This way, corporate asterisk installations can natively be bridged with home asterisk installations, and then the new asterisk era might begin.

This is a software project, maybe dundi newsgroup is not  the right place for discussing those, but I wanted to check the concept.

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