[Dundi] Multihomed machines and dundi

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca
Mon Oct 25 20:34:03 CDT 2004


>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Abley <jabley at automagic.org> writes:
    >> More manageable, but until someone makes "multi6" finish its
    >> work, totally impractical in real life. If you are big enough to
    >> multihome properly, you are probably also big enough that you are
    >> already an IP-telco.

    Joe> This may be so in some RIR regions, still, but it's not true in
    Joe> all. Obtaining a /24 allocated from suitable swamp space for
    Joe> the purposes of multi-homing is trivial, and lots of people do
    Joe> it. However:

  Joe, it isn't that difficult (I've done it), but it is beyond 90% of
people who want to do this kind of thing.

  Finally, it I think we should realize that the * that speaks DUNDi
doesn't have to be the same one that does all the SIP switching. It can
be a virtual host in a colo, at $14.95/month.

    Joe> that point is well-made, and this:

    >> Four of the 6 Asterisk boxes that I am/will install in 2004 do
    >> live behind a NAT. Alas.  We give them public IPs for management
    >> purposes, however, via IPsec tunnel extrusion.

    Joe> sounds like static, globally-unique addressing from the
    Joe> perspective of the rest of the world.

  Yes, but the routing people would freak if I did this on the scale
that I imagine :-)

- --
]     "Elmo went to the wrong fundraiser" - The Simpson         |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson,    Xelerance Corporation, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] mcr at xelerance.com      http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/mcr/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [

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