[Dundi] Multihomed machines and dundi
Michael Richardson
mcr at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca
Mon Oct 25 15:29:23 CDT 2004
>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Abley <jabley at automagic.org> writes:
>> I notice that the "${IPADDR}" in Dundi mappings is the IP address
>> associated with the machine's hostname.
>> I'd like to tweak Dundi's responses and substitute a different
>> and better address depending on the originator of the lookup
>> query.
>> So if someone in 165.165/16 queries me, I want to use my address
>> on that network and suchlike.
Joe> A more manageable approach is to deal with this in the routing
Joe> system, and to multi-home your site rather than an individual
Joe> host.
More manageable, but until someone makes "multi6" finish its work,
totally impractical in real life. If you are big enough to multihome
properly, you are probably also big enough that you are already an
The SIP to the desk revolution is occuring bottom-up.
>> PS: Doesn't this use of the address in the protocol mean that
>> Dundi is going to struggle to work through NAT? And the caching
>> of the IP address makes for problems with dynamic addresses too.
Joe> It doesn't seem sensible to me for anybody to plan to use this
Joe> with NAT or a dynamic address, for more or less the same
Joe> reasons as people don't generally use NAT or dynamic addresses
Joe> with any other server which services clients on the Internet.
Four of the 6 Asterisk boxes that I am/will install in 2004 do live
behind a NAT. Alas.
We give them public IPs for management purposes, however, via IPsec
tunnel extrusion.
- --
] "Elmo went to the wrong fundraiser" - The Simpson | firewalls [
] Michael Richardson, Xelerance Corporation, Ottawa, ON |net architect[
] mcr at xelerance.com http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/mcr/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [
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