[Dundi] Peer Information

Steve Kann stevek at stevek.com
Fri Oct 22 09:42:45 CDT 2004

Michael Bielicki wrote:

>OK, and now for the non US people it would maybne make sense what you
>mean by areacode and LATA ? Areacode = Countrycode ? Lata = areacode ?
>What do I do if I have a multinational setup and server 3-5
>countrycodes ?

Here's an explanation of LATA:


Basically, a LATA generally defines a group of area codes, and is used 
for billing differentiation, although I think that practice is fading 
these days.  Still, for some billing plans in the US intra-lata calls 
are either free, or not charged per-minute rates.

Area Code should be relevant to most countries:  It's the first "part" 
of the number after the country code, which generally (did?) cover 
geographic areas.  I'm sure it's relevant for Germany and France, for 

+33 (4) = southern france
+33 (6) = France mobile

So, I'd say you'd call the area codes 4 and 6 in the above examples.


>On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 22:06:56 -0400 (EDT), Greg Boehnlein <damin at nacs.net> wrote:
>>On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Greg Boehnlein wrote:
>>>Couple of suggestions though. The format that was originally suggest by
>>>Brian was:
>>>Wouldn't that make more sense if it were:
>>>I've made that change (assuming it would be OK)
>>Also.. I was wondering if it would also be intelligent for us to post our
>>entity ids?
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