[Dundi] How to implent DUNDi corectly into asterisk extensions

Kai Militzer km at westend.com
Mon Nov 15 09:07:11 CST 2004


Am Mo, den 15.11.2004 schrieb Vladyslav um 15:34:
> Take a look here.
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-DUNDi+Enterprise+Configuration+SIP
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-DUNDi+Enterprise+Configuration+IAX

I've already read these documents and tried to configure dundi the way
it is described there. They do not answer my questions.

> In the same way for e164

That's what I did.

> when executing:
> dundi lookup 492418903000@'context'

In asterisk it says:
Usage: dundi lookup <number>[@context] [bypass]
       Lookup the given number within the given DUNDi context
(or e164 if none is specified).  Bypasses cache if 'bypass'
keyword is specified.

For my understanding that means I don't have to use an @context if I
lookup e164-numbers, or did I misinterprete that?

But neverless thanks for you fast answer.



Kai Militzer                 WESTEND GmbH  |  Internet-Business-Provider
Technik                      CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller
                             Lütticher Straße 10      Tel 0241/701333-11
km at westend.com               D-52064 Aachen              Fax 0241/911879

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