[dahdi-commits] tzafrir: branch tools/tzafrir/sysfs r8612 - /tools/team/tzafrir/sysfs/xpp/per...

SVN commits to the DAHDI project dahdi-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed May 5 05:54:52 CDT 2010

Author: tzafrir
Date: Wed May  5 05:54:49 2010
New Revision: 8612

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi?view=rev&rev=8612
Allow per-channel syntax in chan_pools

Support a more precise syntax in /etc/dahdi/chan_pools for specifying
components of a pool:


That is, the device ID may be followed by one or more selectors:


Thus it should be possible to select specific channels from a span.


Modified: tools/team/tzafrir/sysfs/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Pool.pm
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi/tools/team/tzafrir/sysfs/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Pool.pm?view=diff&rev=8612&r1=8611&r2=8612
--- tools/team/tzafrir/sysfs/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Pool.pm (original)
+++ tools/team/tzafrir/sysfs/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Pool.pm Wed May  5 05:54:49 2010
@@ -33,27 +33,35 @@
 my $cfgfile = "/etc/dahdi/chan_pools";
 my $poolbase = "/dev/dahdi/pool";
-my %devdirs;
 my %devices;
 my %pools;
 my %pool_components;
-my @devfiles;
+sub save_linkinfo($$) {
+	my $self = shift || die;
+	my $devfile = shift || die;
+	my $dest = shift;
-sub wanted {
-	return unless /^\d+$/ && -c;
-	unshift(@devfiles, $File::Find::name);
-sub chan_order {
-	my $a_dir = $a;
-	my $b_dir = $b;
-	$a_dir =~ s/(\d+)$//;
-	my $a_num = $1;
-	$b_dir =~ s/(\d+)$//;
-	my $b_num = $1;
-	return $a_dir cmp $b_dir if $a_dir ne $b_dir;
-	return $a_num <=> $b_num;
+	unless (-c $devfile) {
+		warn "Not a chardev";
+		next;
+	}
+	my $entries = $self->{ENTRIES};
+	my $rdev = (stat($devfile))[6];
+	#symlink($devfile, $dest) || die "$0: Failed symlink($devfile, $dest): $!\n";
+	my $minor = $rdev & 0xFF;
+	my $major = $rdev >> 8;
+	my $devt = "$major:$minor";
+	if (defined $devices{$devt}) {
+		warn "$0: Duplicate '$devt' (from '$devfile')";
+		my $d = $devices{$devt};
+		die "POOL='$d->{SUBDIR}', DEST='$d->{DEST}'\n";
+	}
+	$devices{$devt} = {
+			DEVICE	=> $devfile,
+			DEST	=> $dest,
+		};
+	push(@{$entries}, $devices{$devt});
 sub new($$) {
@@ -66,9 +74,14 @@
 	bless $self, $class;
 	#print STDERR "new($poolname)\n";
-	my @dirs;
+	my @selected_chans;
 	foreach my $comp (@{$components}) {
 		my @spans;
+		my $select_spec;
+		if($comp =~ /^(.*)\((.*)\)/) {
+			$comp = $1;
+			$select_spec = $2;
+		}
 		if($comp =~ /^@/) {
 			@spans = Dahdi::Span::match_location($comp);
 			unless (@spans) {
@@ -82,55 +95,31 @@
-		foreach (@spans) {
-			my $dir = sprintf "/dev/dahdi/spans/%03d", $_->num;
-			my $d = $devdirs{$dir};
-			if(defined $d) {
-				warn "Pool $poolname: ignore duplicate '$comp'\n";
-				next;
+		$select_spec = '*' unless defined $select_spec;
+		my @selectors = split(/;/, $select_spec);
+		foreach my $sel (@selectors) {
+			my ($port, $chanspec) = split(/\//, $sel);
+			$chanspec = '*' unless defined $chanspec;
+			$port = Dahdi::Utils::glob2regex($port);
+			$chanspec = Dahdi::Utils::glob2regex($chanspec);
+			my @good_spans = grep { $_->hardware_port =~ /^$port$/ } @spans;
+			my @good_chans;
+			foreach my $s (@good_spans) {
+				my @chans = grep { $_->index =~ /^$chanspec$/ } $s->chans;
+				push(@good_chans, @chans);
-			#warn "Pool $poolname: processing ($comp) '$dir'\n";
-			$devdirs{$dir} = { COMPONENT => $comp, DIR => $dir };
-			push(@dirs, $dir);
+			push(@selected_chans, @good_chans);
+		#print STDERR "Pool $poolname: $comp -- ", join(' ', map({ $_->fqn } @selected_chans)), "\n";
-	my @all_devfiles;
-	foreach my $d (sort @dirs) {
-		undef @devfiles;
-		find(\&wanted, $d);
-		my @devfiles = sort chan_order @devfiles;
-		#print STDERR "DEBUG: $d:\n\t", join("\n\t", @devfiles), "\n";
-		push(@all_devfiles, @devfiles);
-	}
+	my $curr = 1;
 	my $destdir = "$poolbase/$poolname";
-	my $curr = 1;
-	my $entries = $self->{ENTRIES};
-	foreach (sort @all_devfiles) {
-		unless (-c $_) {
-			warn "Not a chardev";
-			next;
-		}
-		my $rdev = (stat($_))[6];
+	foreach my $chan (@selected_chans) {
+		my $span = $chan->span;
+		my $devfile = sprintf "/dev/dahdi/spans/%03d/%02d", $span->num, $chan->index;
+		warn "Missing '$devfile'\n" unless -c $devfile;
 		my $dest = "$destdir/$curr";
-		#symlink($_, $dest) || die "$0: Failed symlink($_, $dest): $!\n";
-		my $minor = $rdev & 0xFF;
-		my $major = $rdev >> 8;
-		my $devt = "$major:$minor";
-		if (defined $devices{$devt}) {
-			warn "$0: Duplicate '$devt' (from '$_')";
-			my $d = $devices{$devt};
-			die "POOL='$d->{SUBDIR}', DEST='$d->{DEST}'\n";
-		}
-		$devices{$devt} = {
-				DEVICE	=> $_,
-				SUBDIR	=> "pool/$poolname",
-				NUM	=> $curr,
-				POOLSTR	=> "pool/$poolname/$curr",
-				DEST	=> $dest,
-				POOL	=> $self,
-			};
-		push(@{$entries}, $devices{$devt});
-		#print "$_: $devt\n";
+		$self->save_linkinfo($devfile, $dest);
 	return $self;

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