[astridevcon-2007] late introduction

Tim H. Panton thp at westhawk.co.uk
Wed May 2 01:38:24 MST 2007

I've just looked through the archives for this list, and I see that 
folks were asked to introduce themselves to the group, so despite 
being a latecomer, here goes....

	I'm Tim Panton, I'm a software developer, most of what 
I do is in Java - some for opensource some not. I'm a director
of Mexuar Technologies - for whom I've written an implementation of
IAX in Java, but I'm attending as myself, not on behalf of

My contribution to asterisk isn't in writing C code-  I'm far too rusty for that.
I am interested in the external interfaces and
protocols that asterisk offers to the outside world.

Things I'd like to see discussed:
	1) Standardization of IAX - I've been helping Ed Guy (in a small
way) to get the IAX RFC finished off. I'd like to see us make a definitive list
of what goes into IAX before we stabilize it. I'd be happy to collate a 
list of issues that need discussing here.
	2) Manager interface, the xml/http/manager stuff in 1.4 shows 
great promise, but it needs some filtering for it to be secure, especially
in originate.
	3) IAX performance. I'd like to see us ensure that IAX is at least as efficient 
as SIP, I'd be happy to work with C coders to try and improve this - or
to hear that it already is !
	4) CDR/MWI/Presence notification within an asterisk cluster. This might be 
IAX related or not. I'd like to ensure that whatever emerges here is also
usable by components that aren't asterisk.
	5) SNMP. I've done lots of SNMP work in the past 
see www.westhawk.co.uk/technologies/snmp/ and I'd like to make sure that
asterisk offers enough SNMP features to be useful. (Random thought, 
the distributed CDRs could be done with SNMP 'inform' messages and
presence with SNMP polling or traps.)

As to down-time, I have a mission, I have to go shopping for a big
present for my daughter who will be 10 that week, she has kindly
given me permission to go to Atlanta instead of to her party.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


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