[astridevcon-2007] Agenda Planning: Phase 1

David Troy dave at popvox.com
Sat Apr 14 10:25:12 MST 2007

Hi folks --

I would be interested in:

	- Refining RTCP implementation.  I've discovered some  
interoperability problems here and also would like to discuss corner  
cases, like Asterisk-to-Asterisk RTCP handling in the case of  
Packet2Packet bridging.

	- Better support for call quality monitoring, via both CQDR-type  
ideas as well as via manager interface; at present have added a  
SipShowChannels manager action that displays RTCP metrics for live  
(SIP) RTCP sessions.  This should also be considered and implemented  
in IAX2.

	- Ways to consider getting Asterisk out of the 'language' business.   
Adhearsion (a Ruby-based Domain-Specific-Language for Asterisk) is a  
fantastic example of a way to integrate AMI & AGI into a powerful  
dialplan and application development environment.  In the long term  
and at the user's discretion, it seems to me to make more sense to  
leverage external scripting & application languages (Ruby, Python,  
etc) than to continue to try to enhance AEL and the extension  
environment.  I recognize the practical permanence of extensions.conf  
(and AEL) particularly in the embedded environment, but for  
traditional applications we can likely do better.

Once you see an Adhearsion dialplan compared to traditional  
extensions.conf or AEL, you'll see why I think this is a solid  
direction to head.  Dialplans are terse, powerful, and read like  
plain english.  Not only are dialplans more expressive (and thus less  
prone to bugs) but they are also a design specification which an end  
user (customer) can directly understand.  This leads to tighter  
conformance with user expectations and a tighter development/ 
implementation cycle.

I am writing a book for Pragmatic Bookshelf on Ruby + Telephony (in  
general) and would be interested in a BOF session with anyone  
interested in this topic.


David Troy
Popvox LLC
dave at popvox.com

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