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<a href=" https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~wdoekes " style="color:#326ca6;text-decoration:none;; color: #326ca6; text-decoration: none">Walter Doekes</a> edited the page:
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<td valign="top" style="font-size: 13px"> <h2 id="email-title-heading" style="font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px; min-height: 20px; margin: 0; padding: 0"> <a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Commit+Messages" style="color: #326ca6; text-decoration: none"> <img class="icon" src="cid:page-icon" alt="" style="border: 0; padding: 0 5px 0 0; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle" /> <strong style="font-size:16px;line-height:20px;vertical-align:top;">Commit Messages</strong> </a> </h2> </td>
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<p class="aui-message info" style="font-size: 13px; margin: 1em 0; padding: 8px; background-color: #e0f0ff; border: 1px solid #9eb6d4"> <b>Comment:</b> Emphasize trailing period in first one-liner summary </p>
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<td class="diff-macro-body" style="background-color: #fff;border: 1px solid #dddddd;padding: 10px;; font-size: 13px"> <pre style="font-size: 13px">{numberedheadings}
h1. Commit Message?
A commit message serves to notify others of the changes made to the Asterisk source code, both in a historical sense and in the present. Commit messages are incredibly important to the continued success of the Asterisk project. Developers maintaining the Asterisk project in the future will often only have your commit message to guide them in why a particular change was made. For non-developers, archives containing commit messages may be used when searching for fixes to a particular bug. Be sure that the information contained in your message will help them out.
Following the guidelines here on proper commit messages is *highly* encouraged for everyone with commit access. Flagrant and repeated abuses of the commit message policy may result in suspension of your commit access.
This page describes the expected format for commit messages used when committing code to the Asterisk project via subversion. Typically the message will be consumed during commit by a command like the following:
$ svn commit -F ../commitmessage.txt
After a commit, an E-mail with your commit message will be sent out to the [asterisk-commits mailing list|http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-commits].
h1. Basic Format for Commit Messages
The following illustrates the basic outline for commit messages:\\
<One-liner summary of changes>
<Empty Line>
<Verbose description of the changes>
<Empty Line>
<Special Tags>
Your summary should, if possible, be preceded by the subsystem(s) affected by the change:\\
app_foo: Fix crash caused by invalid widget frobbing<span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-0" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">.</span>
Some commit history viewers treat the first line of commit messages as the summary for the commit. In addition, the Asterisk project uses many scripts that parse commit messages for a variety of purposes. So, an effort should be made to format our commit messages in this fashion. The verbose description may contain multiple paragraphs, itemized lists, etc. <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-1" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">_</span>Always end the first sentence (and any subsequent sentences) with punctuation.<span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-2" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">_</span>
Commit messages should be wrapped at 80 columns.
Note that for trivial commits, such as fixes for spelling mistakes, the verbose description may not be necessary.
h1. Special Tags for Commit Messages
h2. JIRA (https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/)
To have a commit noted in an issue, use a tag of the form:
(issue ASTERISK-1234)
To have a commit automatically close an issue, use a tag of the form:
(closes issue ASTERISK-1234)
Also include information about who reported an issue, or who contributed testing feedback:
(closes issue ASTERISK-1234)
Reported by: SomeGuy
Tested by: SomeOtherGuy, SomeOtherGuy2
fix_bug_1234.diff uploaded by SomeDeveloper (license 5678)
If the patch being committed was written by the person doing the commit, and is not available to reference as an upload to the issue, there is no need to include something like "fixed by me", as that will be the default assumption when a specific patch is not referenced.
You can find a contributors license number by clicking on their name, or pulling up their profile within JIRA.
h3. Tagging multiple issues in a single commit message
If you have a very simple commit that affects or closes multiple issues you can follow this example format:
(closes issue ASTERISK-1234)
Reported by: SomeGuy
(closes issue ASTERISK-5678)
Reported by: AnotherGuy
h2. Review Board (https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/)
To have a commit set a review request as submitted, include the full URL to the review request. For example:
Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/95/
h1. Example Commit Message
What you might write:
core/db: Fix DBDelTree error codes for AMI, CLI and AGI
The AMI DBDelTree command will return Success/Key tree deleted successfully even
if the given key does not exist. The CLI command 'database deltree' had a
similar problem, but was saved because it actually responded with '0 database
entries removed'. AGI had a slightly different error, where it would return
success if the database was unavailable.
This came from confusion about the ast_db_deltree retval, which is -1 in the
event of a database error, or number of entries deleted (including 0 for
deleting nothing).
* Changed some poorly named res variables to num_deleted
* Specified specific errors when calling ast_db_deltree (database unavailable
vs. entry not found vs. success)
* Fixed similar bug in AGI database deltree, where 'Database unavailable'
results in successful result
(closes issue AST-967)
Reported by: John Bigelow
Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/2138/
h1. Commit Messages with svnmerge
When using the svnmerge tool for merging changes between branches, use the _commit message generated by svnmerge_. The '-F' option to svnmerge allows you to specify a file for _svnmerge_ to write out a commit message to. The '-F' option to svn commit allows you to specify a file that contains the commit message.
If you are using the [expect script wrappers for svnmerge from repotools|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Subversion+Usage#SubversionUsage-BranchMergingOrder], a commit message is automatically placed in the file '../merge.msg'.
For more detailed information about working with branches and merging, see [Subversion Usage].
h1. Editing the Subversion log
To edit the SVN log to include some missing information or correct an error simply use the revision number.
svn propedit svn:log --revprop -r 123456
For the revision 123456 you will load the commit log message in your commit editor. From there you can update the log and save. The log will be updated upon save.
{numberedheadings}</pre> </td>
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