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<h2><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+10+Function_CHANNEL?focusedCommentId=22085831#comment-22085831">Asterisk 10 Function_CHANNEL</a></h2>
<b>comment added</b> by <a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~mjordan">Matt Jordan</a>
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<p>This documentation is automatically generated from the XML documentation in Asterisk. If you'd like the options to be broken up by technology, please provide a patch to Asterisk to update the documentation appropriately. Note that in Asterisk 11+, special 'technology' flags can be used to denote which technology provides what feature.</p>
<p>Note: this comment will more than likely self-destruct when the page gets updated.</p>
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<strong>In reply to a comment by <a href="/wiki/display/~mryan"
class="url fn confluence-userlink" data-username="mryan"
>Matt Ryan</a>:</strong><br/>
        <li>Standard items (provided by all channel technologies) are:
                <li>audioreadformat - R/O format currently being read.</li>
                <li>audionativeformat - R/O format used natively for audio.</li>
                <li>audiowriteformat - R/O format currently being written.</li>
                <li>callgroup - R/W call groups for call pickup.</li>
                <li>pickupgroup - R/W call groups for call pickup.</li>
                <li>channeltype - R/O technology used for channel.</li>
                <li>checkhangup - R/O Whether the channel is hanging up (1/0)</li>
                <li>language - R/W language for sounds played.</li>
                <li>musicclass - R/W class (from musiconhold.conf) for hold music.</li>
                <li>name - The name of the channel</li>
                <li>parkinglot - R/W parkinglot for parking.</li>
                <li>rxgain - R/W set rxgain level on channel drivers that support it.</li>
                <li>secure_bridge_signaling - Whether or not channels bridged to this channel require secure signaling</li>
                <li>secure_bridge_media - Whether or not channels bridged to this channel require secure media</li>
                <li>state - R/O state for channel</li>
                <li>tonezone - R/W zone for indications played</li>
                <li>transfercapability - R/W ISDN Transfer Capability, one of:
                <li>txgain - R/W set txgain level on channel drivers that support it.</li>
                <li>videonativeformat - R/O format used natively for video</li>
                <li>trace - R/W whether or not context tracing is enabled, only available if CHANNEL_TRACE is defined.</li>
        <li>chan_sip provides the following additional options:
                <li>peerip - R/O Get the IP address of the peer.</li>
                <li>recvip - R/O Get the source IP address of the peer.</li>
                <li>from - R/O Get the URI from the From: header.</li>
                <li>uri - R/O Get the URI from the Contact: header.</li>
                <li>useragent - R/O Get the useragent.</li>
                <li>peername - R/O Get the name of the peer.</li>
                <li>t38passthrough - R/O 1 if T38 is offered or enabled in this channel, otherwise 0</li>
                <li>rtpqos - R/O Get QOS information about the RTP stream. This option takes two additional arguments:
                        <li>Argument 1:
                                <li>audio - Get data about the audio stream</li>
                                <li>video - Get data about the video stream</li>
                                <li>text - Get data about the text stream</li>
                        <li>Argument 2:
                                <li>local_ssrc - Local SSRC (stream ID)</li>
                                <li>local_lostpackets - Local lost packets</li>
                                <li>local_jitter - Local calculated jitter</li>
                                <li>local_maxjitter - Local calculated jitter (maximum)</li>
                                <li>local_minjitter - Local calculated jitter (minimum)</li>
                                <li>local_normdevjitter - Local calculated jitter (normal deviation)</li>
                                <li>local_stdevjitter - Local calculated jitter (standard deviation}}</li>
                                <li>local_count - Number of received packets}}</li>
                                <li>remote_ssrc - Remote SSRC (stream ID)</li>
                                <li>remote_lostpackets - Remote lost packets</li>
                                <li>remote_jitter - Remote reported jitter</li>
                                <li>remote_maxjitter - Remote calculated jitter (maximum)</li>
                                <li>remote_minjitter Remote calculated jitter (minimum)</li>
                                <li>remote_normdevjitter - Remote calculated jitter (normal deviation)</li>
                                <li>remote_stdevjitter - Remote calculated jitter (standard deviation}}</li>
                                <li>remote_count - Number of transmitted packets}}</li>
                                <li>rtt - Round trip time</li>
                                <li>maxrtt - Round trip time (maximum)</li>
                                <li>minrtt - Round trip time (minimum)</li>
                                <li>normdevrtt - Round trip time (normal deviation)</li>
                                <li>stdevrtt - Round trip time (standard deviation)</li>
                                <li>all - All statistics (in a form suited to logging, but not for parsing)</li>
                <li>rtpdest - R/O Get remote RTP destination information. This option takes one additional argument:
                        <li>Argument 1:
                                <li>audio - Get audio destination</li>
                                <li>video - Get video destination</li>
                                <li>text - Get text destination</li>
        <li>chan_iax2 provides the following additional options:
                <li>peerip - R/O Get the peer's ip address.</li>
                <li>peername - R/O Get the peer's username.</li>
        <li>chan_dahdi provides the following additional options:
                <li>dahdi_channel - R/O DAHDI channel related to this channel.</li>
                <li>dahdi_span - R/O DAHDI span related to this channel.</li>
                <li>dahdi_type - R/O DAHDI channel type, one of:
                <li>keypad_digits - R/O PRI Keypad digits that came in with the SETUP message.</li>
                <li>reversecharge - R/O PRI Reverse Charging Indication, one of:
                        <li>-1 - None</li>
                        <li>1 - Reverse Charging Requested</li>
                <li>no_media_path - R/O PRI Nonzero if the channel has no B channel. The channel is either on hold or a call waiting call.</li>
                <li>buffers - W/O Change the channel's buffer policy (for the current call only). This option takes two arguments:
                        <li>Number of buffers</li>
                        <li>Buffer policy being one of:
                <li>echocan_mode - W/O Change the configuration of the active echo canceller on the channel (if any), for the current call only. Possible values are:
                        <li>on - Normal mode (the echo canceller is actually reinitalized)</li>
                        <li>off - Disabled</li>
                        <li>fax - FAX/data mode (NLP disabled if possible, otherwise completely disabled)</li>
                        <li>voice - Voice mode (returns from FAX mode, reverting the changes that were made)</li>
        <li>chan_ooh323 provides the following additional options:
                <li>faxdetect - Fax Detect []Returns 0 or 1Write yes or no</li>
                <li>t38support - t38support []Returns 0 or 1Write yes or no</li>
                <li>h323id - Returns h323id <a href="/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=AST&title=R" class="createlink">R</a></li>
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