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<h2><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+10+Application_RetryDial">Asterisk 10 Application_RetryDial</a></h2>
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<h1><a name="Asterisk10Application_RetryDial-RetryDial%28%29"></a>RetryDial()</h1>
<h3><a name="Asterisk10Application_RetryDial-Synopsis"></a>Synopsis</h3>
<p>Place a call, retrying on failure allowing an optional exit extension.</p>
<h3><a name="Asterisk10Application_RetryDial-Description"></a>Description</h3>
<p>This application will attempt to place a call using the normal Dial application. If no channel can be reached, the <em>announce</em> file will be played. Then, it will wait <em>sleep</em> number of seconds before retrying the call. After <em>retries</em> number of attempts, the calling channel will continue at the next priority in the dialplan. If the <em>retries</em> setting is set to 0, this application will retry endlessly. While waiting to retry a call, a 1 digit extension may be dialed. If that extension exists in either the context defined in This application will attempt to place a call using the normal Dial application. If no channel can be reached, the <tt>None</tt> - <tt>EXITCONTEXT</tt> or the current one, The call will jump to that extension immediately. The <em>dialargs</em> are specified in the same format that arguments are provided to the Dial application.</p>
<h3><a name="Asterisk10Application_RetryDial-Syntax"></a>Syntax</h3>
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<h5><a name="Asterisk10Application_RetryDial-Arguments"></a>Arguments</h5>
        <li><tt>announce</tt> - Filename of sound that will be played when no channel can be reached</li>
        <li><tt>sleep</tt> - Number of seconds to wait after a dial attempt failed before a new attempt is made</li>
        <li><tt>retries</tt> - Number of retries When this is reached flow will continue at the next priority in the dialplan</li>
        <li><tt>dialargs</tt> - Same format as arguments provided to the Dial application</li>
<h3><a name="Asterisk10Application_RetryDial-SeeAlso"></a>See Also</h3>
<h3><a name="Asterisk10Application_RetryDial-ImportVersion"></a>Import Version</h3>
<p>This documentation was imported from Asterisk version SVN-branch-10-r340810.</p>
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