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<h2><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Calling+using+Google?focusedCommentId=18415675#comment-18415675">Calling using Google</a></h2>
<b>comment added</b> by <a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~mdavenport">Malcolm Davenport</a>
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<p>Yes, it seems that when you're logged in via the web client, it takes precedence over any logins that Asterisk might make.</p>
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<strong>In reply to a comment by <a href="/wiki/display/~utah_dave"
class="url fn confluence-userlink" data-username="utah_dave"
>David Boucha</a>:</strong><br/>
<p>I had a similar symptom. I could dial call my Google Voice number one time successfully, and then nothing would come through after that.</p>
<p>I found that if I were logged out of Gmail and Google Talk, then I could successfully call my Google Voice number and have it work each time.</p>
<p>I also noticed that when calling my Google Voice number while logged into Gmail with the Gmail chat on, I would get a toaster popup saying that Gmail had encountered an error. So I'm pretty sure there's something weird going on with coordinating the call with Google.</p>
<p>Being completely logged out of Gmail and Google Talk causes inbound calls to always work for me.</p>
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