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<h2><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/ConfBridge+1.10?focusedCommentId=13076408#comment-13076408">ConfBridge 1.10</a></h2>
<b>comment added</b> by <a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~mdavenport">Malcolm Davenport</a>
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<p>ConfBridge is not a direct feature-to-feature replacement for MeetMe. We received a feature request for capability in ConfBridge that provides an equivalent for the start/endtime functionality that can be provided by MeetMe in the use of MeetMe in a realtime fashion (see the fuzzystart, earlyalert, and endalert options in meetme.conf). This capability can be produced in ConfBridge through dialplan magic:</p>
        <li>For starting times, don't let someone execute the ConfBridge application until a certain time has been met or use func_curl to ask an external service if the caller should be allowed, and then carry on, or not.</li>
        <li>For ending times, use the AMI or CLI (not preferred) functions to kick all users from a bridge when the desired end time is reached.</li>
        <li>For the prompted alert, connect over AMI or CLI and originate a local channel into the conference that plays back some sort of "your call will end in X" seconds series of prompts.</li>
<p>Alternately, we've considered that someone might want to write code into Confbridge to make this a simpler task. For that, we've come up with some ideas, that we'd love to see in the form of a patch contributed by a community member:</p>
<h5><a name="ConfBridge1.10-Userprofileoptionsfor"></a>User profile options for </h5>
        <li>start time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss)</li>
        <li>end time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss),</li>
        <li>announce not yet time (yes/no, if yes play announce not yet time sound prompt and continue in dialplan, if no just continue in dialplan)</li>
        <li>announce net yet time sound file (file path)</li>
        <li>announce end time (a time in seconds, the time after the beginning of the conference at which the announce end sound file is first played)</li>
        <li>announce end time interval (interval in seconds; interval times after which announce end sound file is played)</li>
        <li>announce end sound file (file path, the announcement played reminding of the end)</li>
        <li>extension time allowed (yes/no)</li>
        <li>extension time amount (time in seconds)</li>
        <li>extension time announce first (a time in seconds, after the beginning of the conference, at which extension time announce sound is first announced) extension time announce sound (file)</li>
        <li>extension time announce interval(interval in seconds after which extension time announce sound is repeated)</li>
        <li>max extensions (integer, max # of extensions allowed to be added).</li>
<h5><a name="ConfBridge1.10-ConferenceMenuitemthatcancallthetimeextension."></a>Conference Menu item that can call the time extension.</h5>
<p>Accomplishing the above would allow someone to dynamically create conferences on the fly from the dialplan that mimicked the aforementioned simple functionality provided by MeetMe (without having to create external watcher scripts) and enhances it.</p>
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