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Fri Jun 28 13:27:35 CDT 2013
y toolkit." However, whether or not we are PBX-centric has implication=
s for the API.
Currently, Asterisk leans more toward being a toolkit than a PBX. There is =
a very loose coupling between extensions and endpoints, as is typically def=
ined by dialplan code in the extensions.conf file. There is no concept of '=
inside' versus 'outside', unless you put it in the dialplan yourself. There=
is no standard definition of a 'call', or a 'user'. All of these vary depe=
nding upon your application, and being able to be applied to a variety of a=
pplications is what has made Asterisk so successful.
However, the primary application Asterisk is applied to is being a PBX. It =
is important that developers writing PBX applications aren't bogged down wi=
th general telephony toolkit details.
So while the PBX use cases are important, they should not undermine the gen=
eral purpose toolkit use cases. Largely, this will influence default values=
and conventions of the API.
h3. Convention over Configuration
Continuing on with the theme of PBX vs. Toolkit, the API should adopt an ap=
proach of convention over configuration: reasonable defaults should be used=
wherever possible. Configuration should be possible, allowing users to spe=
cify their own values in place of these defaults.
h2. Configuration
h3. stasis-http.conf
Configuration for the HTTP binding for Stasis.
h4. \[general\]
|| Parameter || Description || Type || Default Value ||
| enabled | Turns Stasis HTTP binding on or off \\
HTTP server must be enabled in http.conf for this to take effect | Boolean =
| yes |
| pretty | When set to yes, responses from stasis-http are formatted to be =
human readable | Boolean | no |
| allowed_origins | Comma separated list of allowed origins, for Cross-Orig=
in Resource Sharing. May be set to {{\*}} to allow all origins. | Comma sep=
arated strings | |
| use_manager_auth | Share authentication with AMI over HTTP. | Boolean | n=
o |
h4. \[username\]
|| Parameter || Description || Type || Default Value ||
| read_only | When set to yes, user is only authorized for read-only reques=
ts. | Boolean | no |
| crypt_password | Method of encryption used on password. | \{ crypt, plain=
\} | plain |
| password | Crypted or plaintext password for username. See [authenticatio=
n|#HTTP Authentication] below | String | n/a |
h3. stasis-core.conf
Configuration for the Stasis Message Bus.
h4. \[threadpool\]
|| Parameter || Description || Type || Default Value ||
| initial_size | Initial size of the threadpool | Integer | 0 |
| idle_timeout | Number of seconds a thread should be idle before dying | I=
nteger (seconds) | 20 |
| max_size | Maximum number of threads in the threadpool | Integer | 200 |
h3. RealTime schemas
h2. APIs
h3. Dialplan Applications
*Stasis* \- direct a call to a Stasis application.
* *name* \- Name of the application to direct the call to.
* *args* \- List of arguments to pass to the application.
The {{Stasis}} application is how a channel goes from the dialplan to a St=
asis application. When a channel enters the {{Stasis}} application in the d=
ialplan, a [StasisStart|AST:Asterisk 12 REST Data Models#StasisStart] event=
is sent to the application's associated WebSocket. The application can the=
n control the channel using the [REST API|Asterisk 12 RESTful API], returni=
ng the channel to the dialplan using the [/channels/\{channelId\}/continue|=
AST:Asterisk 12 Channels REST API#continueInDialplan] resource.
As [detailed below|#res_stasis_http], Stasis will expose a RESTful HTTP API=
for third party call control. This API should be documented using [Swagger=
|], which allows for not only the generation of =
usable, interactive documentation, but also allows for the generation of se=
rver stubs, reducing a lot of the tediousness required in implementing a we=
b application in C.
See the [Asterisk 12 RESTful API] page for full descriptions of the propose=
d RESTful API, including URL's, supported methods, and the schema of the re=
turned resources.
The Swagger API documentation lives in the {{rest-api/}} directory in sourc=
e. The generated code may be regenerated using {{make stasis-stubs}}, and r=
equires Python and [pystache|] to be ins=
talled. <span class=3D"diff-html-removed" id=3D"removed-diff-0" style=3D"fo=
nt-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">W=
e</span><span class=3D"diff-html-added" id=3D"added-diff-0" style=3D"font-s=
ize: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">In</span> <span class=3D"diff-html-r=
emoved" id=3D"removed-diff-1" style=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color: #=
ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">also</span><span class=3D"diff-html=
-added" id=3D"added-diff-1" style=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color: #dd=
fade;">addition</span> <span class=3D"diff-html-removed" id=3D"removed-diff=
-2" style=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: l=
ine-through;">have</span><span class=3D"diff-html-added" id=3D"added-diff-2=
" style=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">to</span> <span cla=
ss=3D"diff-html-added" id=3D"added-diff-3" style=3D"font-size: 100%; backgr=
ound-color: #ddfade;">generating </span>a <span class=3D"diff-html-removed"=
id=3D"removed-diff-3" style=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7;=
text-decoration: line-through;">[branch</span><span class=3D"diff-html-add=
ed" id=3D"added-diff-4" style=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade=
;">ton</span> of <span class=3D"diff-html-removed" id=3D"removed-diff-4" st=
yle=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-th=
rough;">the swagger-codegen|
e/confluence-generator] which we use to generate </span><span class=3D"diff=
-html-added" id=3D"added-diff-5" style=3D"font-size: 100%; background-color=
: #ddfade;">boilerplate code for implementing the API, it also generates </=
span>[the documentation mentioned above|AST:Asterisk 12 RESTful API].
A project is underway to write an [Asterisk Client Library Generator] which=
will be capable of producing comprehensive client libraries in several lan=
guages. The generator uses the Swagger resource files included in Asterisk=
to generate the libraries.
Message formats will initially be in JSON, but care will be taken with mess=
age design so that adding support for XML will be straightforward.
h4. Error Responses
The RESTful API will follow HTTP conventions for [HTTP return codes|http://=]. If you try to access a ch=
annel that does not exist, you will get a 404 Not Found. If you try to play=
audio on a channel that isn't currently in a Stasis application, you will =
get a 409 Conflict. If Asterisk encounters an unexpected error, you will ge=
t a 500 Internal Server Error.
In addition to the HTTP error code, the response body will be a JSON doc (o=
r XML, when we support it) describing the error in further detail.
h4. WebSocket Events
Originally it was thought that the WebSocket would also accept commands for=
managing subscriptions, applications, etc. It turned out to complicate a l=
ot more than it simplified, so it made more sense to make the WebSocket sim=
ply an asynchronous event channel from Asterisk to the Stasis-HTTP client.
In addition to responding to commands from the application, Stasis-HTTP wil=
l also need to asynchronously send events to the application, notifying the=
application of new channels, state changes, etc.
While it's not strictly a part of the RESTful API, it is treated as if it w=
ere. The WebSocket API is [documented using Swagger|AST:Asterisk 12 Events =
REST API], and its URL will be {{/stasis/events}}, alongside the RESTful UR=
L's. The events that will be sent on the WebSocket are document in the [RES=
Tfu API data models|AST:Asterisk 12 REST Data Models#Event].
h4. HTTP Authentication
Usernames and passwords for Stasis-HTTP are configured in stasis-http.conf =
([see above|#stasis-http.conf]).
If a user is configured without a password, their username is treated as an=
API key. They can authenticate to Stasis-HTTP by simply passing their API =
key along using the {{api_key=3D}} request parameter.
If the user is configured with a password, they must authenticate using HTT=
P Basic authentication.
The password may be stored as plaintext, or can be stored using [crypt(3)|h=
ttp://]. A crypted password can b=
e generated using the {{mkpasswd -m sha-512}} command.
h1. Design
h2. Pretty Picture
h2. {{stasis.c}} - Stasis Message Bus
*Header*: {{asterisk/stasis.h}}
The [Stasis Message Bus|AST:Stasis Message Bus] is how message producers an=
d consumers are decoupled within the new API work.
Please see the [API docs|] and=
the [wiki page|AST:Stasis Message Bus] for further details.
h2. {{res_stasis.c}} - Stasis Application API
*Header*: {{asterisk/stasis_app.h}}
High level application API's for Asterisk. The [Message Bus|#message-bus] p=
rovides a read-only view into Asterisk. This API gives you high level manip=
ulation. The functions in this API should correspond roughly one-to-one to =
the sorts of methods you would put into an external API.
Please see the [API docs|
pp_8h.html] for further details..
h2. {{app_stasis.c}} - Stasis Dialplan Application
*Application*: Stasis
The {{app\}} module simply exports the {{res\}} functio=
nality as a dialplan application. This allows you to send channels to a Sta=
sis application from within the dialplan.
; Send channel to the 'Queue' application, with the args 'enqueue,sales'
exten =3D> 7001,1,Stasis(Queue,enqueue,sales)
h2. {{stasis_\{channels,bridges,endpoints\}.c}}
*Headers*: {{stasis_\{channels,bridges,endpoints\}.h}}
Channels, endpoints and bridges will have their own Stasis topics and messa=
ges for publishing state and event messages about themselves. Each object a=
lso has a _snapshot_, which is a immutable struct representing the state of=
the underlying object at a particular point in time.
Each object has its own topic, to which it posts snapshots and messages reg=
arding events that happen to that object. These messages are all forwarded =
to an aggregation topic ({{ast\_\{channel,endpoint,bridge}\_topic\_all}}), =
which is cached by a caching topic ({{ast\_\{channel,endpoint,bridge}\_topi=
The aggregation and caching topics allow for components that need to monito=
r the overall state of the system (such as Manager). The caching topics all=
ows components to query for the most recent snapshot of an object without q=
uerying the actual object itself. The reduces contention on the object itse=
lf, and reduces the opportunities for deadlock.
See the [API docs|
icsAndMessages.html] for further details.
h2. {{manager_\{channels,bridges,endpoints\}.c}} - Existing component refac=
Existing Manager events and CLI commands can (and should) be refactored to =
receive events from the appropriate aggregator topics, and retrieve state f=
rom the cache topics.
The topics and messages for the main components of Asterisk are defined in =
{{main/stasis\_\{channel,endpoint,bridge}.c}}. The refactored Manager code =
will be implemented in {{main/manager\_\{channel,endpoint,bridge}.c}}.
h2. Stasis RESTful API
*API docs*: {{rest-api}}
The RESTful Stasis HTTP implementation is broken down into several componen=
ts. Much of the boiler plate code declaring routes and parsing parameters i=
s done by code generated by the API docs. The generated code can be regener=
ated by running {{make stasis-stubs}}.
h3. {{res_stasis_http.c}} - Request handling and routing
*Header*: {{asterisk/stasis\_http.h}}
The {{res\_stasis\}} module has the common code for handling and ro=
uting requests. HTTP resource modules register themselves with the RESTful =
API by using the {{stasis_http_add_handler()}} and {{stasis_http_remove_han=
dler()}} functions.
h3. {{res_stasis_http_\{resource\}.c}} (generated)
The structures declaring the routing for requests for a specific resource, =
and callbacks for parsing request arguments for the request.
h3. {{stasis_http/resource_\{resource\}.c}}
*Header*: {{stasis_http/resource_\{resource\}.h}} (generated)
Implementation code for RESTful HTTP requests. The bulk of this code should=
be in consuming the request and producing the response. The bulk of the lo=
gic to carry out the request belongs in {{}}, or in the underl=
ying component. By keeping the HTTP modules free of business logic, we give=
ourselves a better shot at implementing other API bindings in a way that t=
he different interfaces actually act consistently.
h1. Test Plan
Each controller in the RESTful API should have at least one integration tes=
t validating that function. Many will have multiple tests to validate failu=
re conditions (originate failed, etc.).
|| Test || Level || Description ||
| stasis_obj_to_json | Unit | Tests Stasis object to JSON codec |
| stasis_obj_to_xml | Unit | Tests Stasis object to XML codec |
h1. Project Planning
h2. JIRA Issues
h2. Contributors
|| Name || E-mail Address ||
| [~dlee] | dlee at |
h1. Reference Information
* Stable identifier for channels:
** [~dlee:Stable Identifiers for Asterisk]
** []
** []
** []
* Stasis API:
** [
*** Thread continues here: [
** [
h1. Footnotes
* {anchor:bad-name} While it may stand for "Some Thought Actually Spen=
t In Specification", suggestions for a better name are welcome.
{numberedheadings}</pre> </td>
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