<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hello,<br><br></div>I was tasked to install Asterisk 13.16.0. from source on a CentOS7 platform.<br></div><br>For that purpose, I used an unmaintened script of mine, written 10 monthes ago, and I was surprised to get segmentation violations whenever I ran "asterisk -cvvvvvvv -U asterisk".<br><br></div>Usually, my /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file includes "autoload=yes" setting.<br><br></div>Basically, I see two alternative methods:<br><br></div>1. leave "autoload=yes and remove modules one by one in modules.conf.<br></div>When segmentation violations stops, then focus on latest disabled module.<br><br>2.set "autoload=no and add modules one by one in modules.conf.<br>When segmentation violations starts, then focus on latest enabled module.<br><br><br></div><div>I've not decided yet which method I should use but I must add here that I'm very suprised to observe things like bellow:<br><br>*CLI> module show<br>Module                        Description                             Use Count Status     Support Level<br>res_pjsip.so                  Basic SIP resource                      0         Not Running         core<br>1 modules loaded<br>*CLI> module unload res_pjsip.so<br>Unable to unload resource res_pjsip.so<br>Command 'module unload res_pjsip.so' failed.<br>*CLI> module <br>load   reload show   unload <br>*CLI> module show<br>Module                        Description                             Use Count Status     Support Level<br>res_pjsip.so                  Basic SIP resource                      0         Not Running         core<br>1 modules loaded<br>*CLI> module unload res_pjsip.so <br>Unable to unload resource res_pjsip.so<br>Command 'module unload res_pjsip.so ' failed.<br>*CLI> module reload res_pjsip.so<br>The module 'res_pjsip.so' was not properly initialized. Before reloading the module, you must run "module load res_pjsip.so" and fix whatever is preventing the module from being initialized.<br>*CLI> module load res_pjsip.so<br>Unable to load module res_pjsip.so<br>Command 'module load res_pjsip.so' failed.<br>*CLI> module show<br>Module                        Description                             Use Count Status     Support Level<br>res_pjsip.so                  Basic SIP resource                      0         Not Running         core<br>1 modules loaded<br><br><br>Form full file:<br>...<br>2017-06-12 10:15:05] WARNING[1649] loader.c: Unload failed, 'res_pjsip.so' is not loaded.<br><br><br></div><div>My questions are:<br></div><div>1. When autoload=yes, if module foo.so depens on bar.so, does loading of foo.so also loads bar.so ?<br><br></div><div>2. How shall I understand the above load/unload/reload sequence ?<br><br></div><div>3. I'm inclined to load modules one by one and set autoload=no, but I would like to be 100% sure to avoid runtime errors due to missing module/config file/dependency/whatever. What would you suggest ?<br><br></div><div>Regards<br></div></div>