<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hello,<br><br></div>I'm giving PJSIP a try on an Asterisk 13 box.<br></div>More specifically I'm studying in a lab, how to configure T.38.<br><br></div><div>My setup is:<br></div><div>SendFAX -->-- asterisk 11Â Â <----SIP/PJSIP---> asterisk 13 -->-- ReceiveFAX<br><br></div><div>I can observe fax are successfully sent end received but I'm failling to see any T.38 trafic.<br><br></div><div>My understanding of T.38 is that closest to receiving end gateway should trigger T.38 negociation.<br></div><div>So I would expect the second asterisk box (the one with Asterisk 13) to ask the first asterisk box to start using T.38.<br><br></div><div>Is this expectation correct ?<br></div><div>Is there a way to "force" ReceiveFAX to use T.38 ?<br><br></div><div>Best Regards<br></div><div><br><br></div><div><div><br></div></div></div>