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<font color="#000000">Hi<br>
I am using following say.conf file. Its a default file, which
comes with Asterisk installation.<br>
When I call SAY DATETIME AGI function, it simply returns without
playing date & time. Where as if I use mode=old setting, it
works. Is this a bug or mode=new is not implemented for SAY
DATETIME AGI function? <br>
mode=new ; method for playing numbers and dates<br>
; old - using asterisk core function<br>
; new - using this configuration file<br>
[digit-base](!) ; base rule for digit strings<br>
; XXX incomplete yet<br>
_digit:[0-9] => digits/${SAY}<br>
_digit:[-] => letters/dash<br>
_digit:[*] => letters/star<br>
_digit:[@] => letters/at<br>
_digit:[0-9]. => digit:${SAY:0:1}, digit:${SAY:1}<br>
[date-base](!) ; base rules for dates and times<br>
; the 'SAY' variable contains YYYYMMDDHHmm.ss-dow-doy<br>
; these rule map the strftime attributes.<br>
_date:Y:. => num:${SAY:0:4} ; year, 19xx<br>
_date:[Bbh]:. => digits/mon-$[${SAY:4:2}-1]
; month name, 0..11<br>
_date:[Aa]:. => digits/day-${SAY:16:1} ; day of week<br>
_date:[de]:. => num:${SAY:6:2} ; day of month<br>
_date:[H]:. => digits/oh, num:${SAY:8:2}
; hour (oh one, oh two, ..., oh nine, ten, eleven, ...,
_date:[I]:. => num:$[${SAY:8:2} % 12] ; hour 0-12<br>
_date:[M]:. => num:${SAY:10:2} ; minute<br>
; XXX too bad the '?' function does not remove the quotes<br>
; _date:[pP]:. => digits/$[ ${SAY:10:2} > 12 ? "p-m" ::
"a-m"] ; am pm<br>
_date:[pP]:. => digits/p-m ; am pm<br>
_date:[S]:. => num:${SAY:13:2} ; seconds<br>
_date:[Ii]:. => num:$[${SAY:8:2} % 12]
; hour 0-12<br>
_date:[k]:. => num:${SAY:8:2}
; hour (one, two. three, ...,twenty three<br>
_date:[m]:. => num:${SAY:4:2}
; month number<br>
_date:[Q]:. => date:dby ;incompleat
; "today", "yesterday" or ABdY<br>
_date:[q]:. => date:dby ;incompleat
; "" (for today), "yesterday", weekday, or ABdY<br>
_date:[R]:. => date:HM${SAY}
; 24 hour time, including minute<br>
_date:[T]:. => date:HMS${SAY}
; 24 hour, minure, seconds<br>
_[n]um:0. => num:${SAY:1}<br>
_[n]um:X => digits/${SAY}<br>
_[n]um:1X => digits/${SAY}<br>
_[n]um:[2-9]0 => digits/${SAY}<br>
_[n]um:[2-9][1-9] => digits/${SAY:0:1}0, num:${SAY:1}<br>
_[n]um:X00 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred<br>
_[n]um:XXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred, num:${SAY:1}<br>
_[n]um:X000 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/thousand<br>
_[n]um:XXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/thousand,
_[n]um:XX000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand<br>
_[n]um:XXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand,
_[n]um:XXX000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/thousand<br>
_[n]um:XXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/thousand,
_[n]um:X000000 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/million<br>
_[n]um:XXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/million,
_[n]um:XX000000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/million<br>
_[n]um:XXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/million,
_[n]um:XXX000000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/million<br>
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/million,
_[n]um:X000000000 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/billion<br>
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/billion,
_[n]um:XX000000000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/billion<br>
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/billion,
_[n]um:XXX000000000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/billion<br>
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/billion,
; enumeration<br>
_e[n]um:X => digits/h-${SAY}<br>
_e[n]um:1X => digits/h-${SAY}<br>
_e[n]um:[2-9]0 => digits/h-${SAY}<br>
_e[n]um:[2-9][1-9] => num:${SAY:0:1}0, digits/h-${SAY:1}<br>
_e[n]um:[1-9]00 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/h-hundred<br>
_e[n]um:[1-9]XX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/h-hundred,
_[n]um:XXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred, vm-and,
</font><font color="#000000"><br>
Thanks & Regards,
Amit Patkar</font>