I'm sorry, the mail is automatically send :p<br>However, I am for the Asterisk, there are other external consultants for Nortel ... according to you can be out a patch for Asterisk to send the facility of CPND???<br><br>
Danilo<br><br>Il giorno venerdì 3 maggio 2013, Danilo Dionisi <<a href="mailto:dionisi.danilo@gmail.com">dionisi.danilo@gmail.com</a>> ha scritto:<br>> Thanks Dale for your answer.<br>><br>> I am a consultant for a project for Banca D'Italia and we have to give birth to 20 branches with 1,200 snom phones ... oh my god I can not record 1200 names on Nortel!!! : '(<br>
><br>> Il giorno giovedì 2 maggio 2013, Dale Noll <<a href="mailto:dnoll@wi.rr.com">dnoll@wi.rr.com</a>> ha scritto:<br>>> I retired my Nortel switch a couple of years ago, but I do not believe I ever got Asterisk -> Nortel to pass the CPND, just the number. If I remember correctly, I had to enter then names manually in Nortel (LD 95?) for display on the Nortel endpoints.<br>
>><br>>> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Danilo Dionisi <<a href="mailto:dionisi.danilo@gmail.com">dionisi.danilo@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>>>><br>>>> Hello to all,<br>>>><br>
>>> I have a problem with an asterisk qsig.<br>>>><br>>>> I have three machines:<br>>>><br>>>> Nortel CS1000 --- Card Sangoma PRI ---> Asterisk QSIG ---SIP Trunk---> Asterisk<br>
>>><br>>>> I use Snom phones on Asterisk.<br>>>> If I call from Asterisk to Nortel, Nortel reminds me of the name of the person i'm calling and I visualize on the display of Snom phone, but if I call from Nortel to Asterisk, the QSIG does not send Nortel on the display of the name of the person i'm calling ... why?<br>
>>><br>>>> example:<br>>>> Snom phone = "Danilo <1001>"<br>>>> Nortel phone = "Marco <2002>"<br>>>><br>>>> If I call from Nortel to Asterisk, I have the display of the Snom "Marco <2002>" and the display of Nortel "Danilo <1001>"; If I call from Nortel to Asterisk, I have the display of the Snom "Marco <2002>" and the display of Nortel "<1001>"<br>
>>><br>>>> This is my / etc / asterisk / chan_dahdi.conf<br>>>><br>>>> [channels]<br>>>> cc_offer_timer=20<br>>>> ccbs_available_timer=4800<br>>>> ccnr_available_timer=7200<br>
>>> cc_recall_timer=20<br>>>> cc_agent_policy=native<br>>>> cc_monitor_policy=native<br>>>> pridialplan=private<br>>>> prilocaldialplan=private<br>>>><br>>>> context=default<br>
>>> usecallerid=yes<br>>>> hidecallerid=no<br>>>> callwaiting=yes<br>>>> usecallingpres=yes<br>>>> callwaitingcallerid=yes<br>>>> threewaycalling=yes<br>>>> transfer=yes<br>
>>> canpark=yes<br>>>> cancallforward=yes<br>>>> callreturn=yes<br>>>> echocancel=yes<br>>>> echocancelwhenbridged=yes<br>>>> relaxdtmf=yes<br>>>> rxgain=0.0<br>
>>> txgain=0.0<br>>>> group=1<br>>>> callgroup=1<br>>>> pickupgroup=1<br>>>> immediate=no<br>>>> facilityenable=yes<br>>>> callerid=asreceived<br>>>><br>
>>><br>>>><br>>>> ;Sangoma A104 port 1 [slot:4 bus:17 span:1] <wanpipe1><br>>>> switchtype=qsig<br>>>> context=from_nortel<br>>>> group=0<br>>>> echocancel=yes<br>
>>> faxdetect=incoming<br>>>> signalling=pri_cpe<br>>>> channel =>1-15,17-31<br>>>><br>>>> --<br>>>> _____________________________________________________________________<br>
>>> -- Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by <a href="http://www.api-digital.com">http://www.api-digital.com</a> --<br>>>> New to Asterisk? Join us for a live introductory webinar every Thurs:<br>>>> <a href="http://www.asterisk.org/hello">http://www.asterisk.org/hello</a><br>
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