Hello all,<br><br>I inherited an Asterisk 1.2 machine and I have a question about the order of operations. <br><br>I want to give people the ability to dial specifics and block others. For example, lets say NYC<br><br>[allowed]<br>
exten => _1212555., 1,Authenticate(pins||3,j)<br>exten => _1212555., 2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN)@mycarrier)<br>exten => 102,Hangup<br><br>exten => _1212.,s,Goto(denied,s,1)<br><br>[denied]<br>exten => s,1,Playback(num-outside-area)<br>
exten => s,2,Hangup<br><br>What I would like to do it allow a specific and deny the rest. Mind you the allowed will be everything EXCEPT what is allowed. My question is, will the above work? Please don't comment on upgrading, this is an inherited system which I cannot update.<br>