<br>I've successfully setup Asterisk on my
local PC and can make call using Twinkle to the server. But, I cannot call to
my Asterisk server at Rackspace. I have been trying several things to figure it out, no luck. My PC is behind NAT, so I've set that up in sip.conf (nat=yes). I can ping my Rackspace server so it seems to be Public-static IP. Anyway, I tried with setting externip, netmask etc. No luck.<br>
<br>Recently I tried out two things. Sending UDP packets with python scripts, with a client on my PC and a server on Rackspace. I cannot receive any packets. As far as I remember, I can send TCP packets using nc, with client and server at both ends. But when I use UDP switch I don't get anything.<br>
<br>My question is how can I troubleshoot this scenario? (Is this question within the scope of this mailing list?)<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Sincerely,<br>Sazzad Bin Kamal<br><br>