Hello,<br><br>I short question:<br><br>I want to connect Asterisk to OpenBSC with mISDN, mISDNuser and LCR.<br><br>Do I need chan_lcr?<br><br>I have:<br>Asterisk 1.8<br>mISDN .v2 integrated in Kernel 3.0.22<br>mISDNuser<br>
lcr 1.7<br>HFC-E1 Evaluation board from cologne chip<br><br><br>I tried to configure Asterisk with <./configure --prefix=/usr/src/lcr --with-gsm-bs> and it runs without errors, But make and make install didn't run fine. <br>
I have written my problems in this forum. It is german but you can see my error messages in the last post: <br><a href="http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=247932&p=1839572#post1839572">http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=247932&p=1839572#post1839572</a><br>
<br>It would be very appreciate is someone can answer my question because the most HowTo's in the internet are old so I don't know if I can use them for my case.<br><br>Best regards<br>Ellen<br><br>