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<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Hello list,<br>
to use ChanSpy, one needs to know the name of the channel.<br>
But on an incoming call from the provider, or an outgoing call to
the provider there are always numbers added. How can one then know
the channel name ??<br>
<i>core show channels verbose</i> shows me for example :<br>
default <br>
SIP/<b>rs4-00002445</b> sub-uitinternation<br>
SIP/<b>3715320168-00002</b> default <br>
SIP<b>/ibenla2-0000244</b> sub-uit789 <br>
SIP/<b>372083610-00002</b> default <br>
SIP/<b>cedhou0-000024</b> sub-uit789 <br>
SIP<b>/travel3-00002</b> pbx-routing <br>
SIP/<b>INTELin-00002</b> pbx-routing <br>
SIP/<b>375382280-00002</b> default <br>
SIP/<b>miq8-00002419</b> sub-uitGSM <br>
SIP/<b>3749378004-0000</b> default <br>
SIP<b>/instlpr0-00002</b> sub-uitinternation<br>
SIP/<b>372089170-00002</b> default <br>
SIP/<b>v9q9uLT-0000</b> from-GFATRUNK <br>
46 active channels<br>
24 active calls</i><br>
If I want to listen to the conversation of </font><font
face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><i>SIP/<b>miq8-00002419</b></i></font><font
face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"> and </font><font
face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><i>SIP/<b>375382280-00002</b></i></font><font
face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"> (these 2 channels have been
connected to 1 conversation), how do I use ChanSpy ??<br>
Kind regards;<br>