<br clear="all">Hi All,<br>I am having an issue with layer 2 in BRi connection configured using Misdn:<br>after
the BRI line working fine, a technician from our phone company came in
to add another number, after testing with his ISDN phone and BRI line is
working, from our asterisk server it is not :(.<br>
When I check ports with "misdn show port x" it says:<br><br>
* Port 4 Type TE Prot. PMP L2Link DOWN L1Link:UP Blocked:0 Debug:7<br>
(as you can see here L1Link=UP <b>but</b> L2Link=DOWN)<br><br>
since we didn't change any setting from our end, it maybe an change from our phone provider end that caused to have a <b>mismatch in the layer 2 connection</b>.<br>
<b>what we tried is:</b><br>
- we did reboot our phone system several times.<br>
- I did reconfigure the ISDN trunk setting to refresh things (<b>using
the same config that worked before</b>)<br>
- I did use another phone system that was not used before (to
eliminate the possibility that our current phone system has hardware
issues) with no success, it <b>displaying the same Layer 2 issue
- I turned debugging on when making calls, it shows that calls go
through as programmed but it hits a down line (because of L2 issue)
:<br>IP0x*CLI> <br> -- Executing [9020823541@COUNTRY_DIAL:1] misdn_check_l2l1("SIP/8425-<div>00438004", "g:trunk_m2|20") in new stack<br><br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 0] Checking Ports in group: trunk_m2<br>
P[ 0] trying port 1<br>P[ 0] trying port 2<br>P[ 0] trying port 3<br>P[ 0] trying port 4<br> -- Executing [9020823541@COUNTRY_DIAL:2] Dial("SIP/8425-00438004", "mISDN/g:trunk_m2/020823541") in new stack<br>
P[ 0] --> Group Call group: trunk_m2<br>P[ 1] Group [trunk_m2] Port [1]<br>P[ 2] Group [trunk_m2] Port [2]<br>P[ 3] Group [trunk_m2] Port [3]<br>P[ 4] Group [trunk_m2] Port [4]<br>P[ 4] portup:1<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:020823541 oad:(null)<br>
IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] * Queuing chan 0x43d644<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] read_config: Getting Config<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] config_jb: Called<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> * CallGrp: PickupGrp:<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>
P[ 4] --> TON: Unknown<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> LTON: Unknown<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> CTON: Unknown<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] * CALL: g:trunk_m2/020823541<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> * dad:9020823541 tech:mISDN/6-u3 ctx:DID_trunk_m2<br>
IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> * adding2newbc ext 9020823541<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> * adding2newbc callerid 8425<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] update_config: Getting Config<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> pres: -1 screen: -1<br>
IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> pres: 0<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> PRES: Allowed (0x0)<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> SCREEN: Unscreened (0x0)<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] NO OPTS GIVEN<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:0 stack->uperid:40000403<br>
IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] I SEND:SETUP oad:8425 dad:020823541 pid:5<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> channel:0 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>
P[ 4] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0 rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:0<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> screen:0 --> pres:0<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>
P[ 4] --> addr:0 l3id:90003 b_stid:0 layer_id:0<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> bc:1130c58 h:0 sh:0<br>
IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> new_l3id 90004<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] Sending msg, prim:30580 addr:41000403 dinfo:90004<br>IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] --> * SEND: State Dialing pid:5<br>IP0x*CLI> <br> -- Called g:trunk_m2/020823541<br>
IP0x*CLI> <br>P[ 4] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000402 frm->prim:3f182<br>P[ 4] --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:90004<br>P[ 4] --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: 90004<br>P[ 4] I IND :CLEAN_UP oad:8425 dad:020823541 pid:5 state:CALLING<br>
P[ 4] hangup_chan called<br>P[ 4] --> queue_hangup<br>P[ 4] release_chan: bc with l3id: 90004<br>P[ 4] * RELEASING CHANNEL pid:5 ctx:DID_trunk_m2 dad:020823541 oad:9020823541 state: CALLING<br>P[ 4] --> * State Down<br>
P[ 4] --> Setting AST State to down<br>P[ 4] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:5<br>P[ 4] $$$ Already cleaned up bc with stid :0<br>P[ 4] [Jan 3 16:59:14] DEBUG[2944]: chan_misdn.c:2525 misdn_hangup: misdn_hangup(mISDN/6-u3)<br>
P[ 0] misdn_hangup called, without 'chan_list' obj<br> == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)<br> == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/8425-00438004' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'<br>Idx:0 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:1<br>
P[ 4] Idx:1 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:2<br>P[ 4] Idx:2 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:3<br>P[ 0] Got empty Msg..<br><br clear="all">I appreciate any help!<br><font color="#888888">-- <br>Khalid </font></div><a value="+15185734741"><br>