Hi,<br><br>Porting a dialplan from 1.6.1 to and old 1.4 install, it seems Park() application uses different arguments.<br>The only doc I could get a hand on is (core show application Park) this one :<br><br>[Synopsis]<br>Park yourself<br>
<br>[Description]<br>Park():Used to park yourself (typically in combination with a supervised<br>transfer to know the parking space). This application is always<br>registered internally and does not need to be explicitly added<br>
into the dialplan, although you should include the 'parkedcalls'<br>context (or the context specified in features.conf).<br><br>If you set the PARKINGEXTEN variable to an extension in your<br>parking context, park() will park the call on that extension, unless<br>
it already exists. In that case, execution will continue at next<br>priority.<br><br><br>More specifically, I'm getting this :<br> -- Executing [9200@autopark:49] Park("SIP/9140-0991dd30", "1000*30|9200|local|s") in new stack<br>
== Parked SIP/9140-0991dd30 on 701@parkedcalls. Will timeout back to extension [autopark] s, 1 in 45 seconds<br>Above that, silent option 's' is ignored (parking position is read to incoming channel).<br><br><br>
So it seems, my timeout, return context and "feedback" options are not correctly understood.<br><br>Suggestions ?<br><br>Cheers<br><br>