Hi all,<br><br>I'm using ConfBridge within Asterisk 1.6.20 and want to record the conference, so I'd like to start the recording when the second user joins, so in the example below, for example, how can I get the current user count in ConfBridge 3000?<br>
<br>[conferences]<br>;authenticated conference (ext C-O-N-F = 2663)<br>exten => 2663,1,Answer<br>same => n,Wait(1)<br>same => n,Authenticate(143382)<br><br>;Record conference callscount: ${count} --)<br>same => n,Set(MONITOR_EXEC=/etc/asterisk/monitor_exec.sh)<br>
same => n,Set(DATETIME=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y-%m%d-%H%M)})<br>same => n,ExecIf($[${count}=2]?Monitor(wav,conf-${CALLERID(num)}-${DATETIME},bm)) <-- count?<br><br>same => n(conf),ConfBridge(3000,Ms)<br>same => n,Playback(goodbye)<br>
same => n,Hangup<br><br>Thanks for any ideas!<br><br><br>