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<font face="sans-serif">Hello all,<br>
I've googled around, and I've discovered that there was a bug
which turned the console text white when issuing help for certain
commands in the *Asterisk* console. That seems different from what
I experience. And that bug was fixed.<br>
Every time I start Asterisk (just by issuing /usr/sbin/asterisk),
the bash console text turns white. I'm using rxvt, so this makes
everything pretty much invisible. If I login into the Asterisk
console (asterisk -rvvv) - the text turns black again. This is not
critical, but quite annoying. I've experienced it both with 1.6
and 1.8 installations. Maybe, just maybe this is a problem with
rxvt - but I use it for absolutely everything on the command line
- and no other application has problems of this type.<br>
Is anybody else seeing this. If it isn't something silly that I'm
doing, I suppose I should log a bug report. Just posting here to
see if anybody has any suggestions first.<br>