I'm about to start building my asterisk server and I can't seem to find anything that discusses the pros and cons of installing the OS (Fedora 15) as console only or GUI, ie install KDE as well.<br><br>So, other than a bit of disk space, is there any reason why I shouldn't install KDE when I set it up ?<br>
<br>Is there any great disadvantage to running the server in init level 5 (ie KDE, xorg, etc) running in the background, but not being logged in, versus init level 3 ? (Or whatever they call these things these days..., ie F15 uses systemd...)<br>
<br>FWIW, my server hardware will sit on a server rack in the utility room. I might drag a display and keyboard down there once in a while to troubleshoot and/or do maintenance, but mostly I'd ssh in and probably use a remote desktop app to work on it.<br>
<br>FWIW, I'm OK doing things via the CLI, but sometimes its really nice to have graphical tools.<br><br>I look forward to your input.<br><br>Thanks<br>