Dear, I have to let some agents from a call center to spy/coach just a range of extensions. They must not spy extensions from boss and some other "important" people from my company.<br><br>I have in extensions_additional.conf:<br>
<br>[app-chanspy]<br>include => app-chanspy-custom<br>exten => 555,1,Macro(user-callerid,)<br>exten => 555,n,Answer<br>exten => 555,n,Wait(1)<br>exten => 555,n,ChanSpy()<br>exten => 555,n,Hangup<br><br>and in extensions_custom.conf:<br>
<br>[from-internal-custom]<br>exten => 555,1,Macro(user-callerid)<br>exten => 555,2,Authenticate(1234)<br>exten => 555,3,Read(SPYNUM,agent-newlocation)<br>exten => 555,4,ChanSpy(SIP/${SPYNUM))<br><br>How can I let agents to just spy extensions 9000-9500 and no more ???<br>
<br>Special thanks,<br><br>Alejandro<br>