Hi,<br><br>My genconf_parameter is :<br><br># grep -v "^#" genconf_parameters <br>lc_country fr<br>context_lines remote<br>group_lines 1<br>bri_sig_style bri<br>echo_can oslec<br>
pri_termtype<br> SPAN/* NT<br><br>(I also tried various identations and syntax for pri_termtype line such as bri_termtype but I still get the same output file).<br>But still, generated system.conf contains only TE spans.<br>
<br># grep "term,te" system.conf<br>span=1,1,0,ccs,ami,term,te<br>span=2,2,0,ccs,ami,term,te<br>span=3,3,0,ccs,ami,term,te<br>span=4,4,0,ccs,ami,term,te<br><br>Did i miss something ?<br>If that matters, I'm using Dahdi 2.4.0 and Asterisk<br>