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Hi Jason,<br><br>well, I was thinking something like this, but don't hurt to ask :D<br>Thank you for all guys.<br>Best regards,<br><br>Fellipe<br><br>> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 12:37:05 -0500<br>> From: jparker@digium.com<br>> To: asterisk-users@lists.digium.com<br>> Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Some errors<br>> <br>> On 03/15/2011 12:34 PM, Fellipe Paes wrote:<br>> > why I can't use _. in my dialplan?<br>> ><br>> <br>> Because it matches everything. In this case, it's matching the 'h' exten. So <br>> when the call gets hung up, it goes to _. and does what you're seeing.<br>> <br>> --<br>> _____________________________________________________________________<br>> -- Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by http://www.api-digital.com --<br>> New to Asterisk? Join us for a live introductory webinar every Thurs:<br>> http://www.asterisk.org/hello<br>> <br>> asterisk-users mailing list<br>> To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:<br>> http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users<br> </body>