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There is no issue between OS and asterisk. Asterisk is compatible with any linux distribution - So there is no problem.<br><br>Post some logs / config of sip.conf / extension.conf etc.. <br><br>make sure your sip clients are registers on asterisk run following command on asterisk CLI <br><br>>sip show peers <br><br>or <br><br>>sip show peer <extension_number><br><br>-satish<br><br><br><hr id="stopSpelling">Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 08:07:03 -0800<br>From: don_bahaj@yahoo.com<br>To: asterisk-users@lists.digium.com<br>Subject: [asterisk-users] [ASK] can't make call<br><br>
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</style><div style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 8pt;"><font size="3">hi,<br>i'm newbie in asterisk n this mailing list<br>i just trying to make this asterisk server for call,n i can't make it..<br>my asterisk server just respons with REGISTER n SUBSCRIBE method<br><br>i,m using asterisk 1.4.17 in ubuntu 8.04 with lan connection and just 2 client there.is there a problem with compatible on the series of the ubuntu and the asterisk???<br><br>*i'm sorry about my english..:D<br><br>best regard<br>sam<br></font>
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