Hello everyone<br>Is there a possibility to catch an outbound callleg ID for the follovong scenario: some carrier -----> ------(asterisk1) --->-----asterisk2 ?<br>I can get inbound callid for asterisk1 with a ${SIPCALLID} in extensions.conf or to look it up in cdrs field (are the same). But how about outbound? I have all calls just forwarded through asterisk1, not answered and for every call I have 1 cdr record with only inbound call leg callid. <br>
I can see all the call legs with rasterisk -x "sip show channels", but I would like to get the data in cdrs as well. Does anyone have any idea? I have asterisk 1.6.2 and I don't want to fork cdrs, just another field for the came call. <br>
<br>Regards, Kate<br><br><br>