Hi All,<br><br>This posting regarding PRI voice optimization, on dahdi<br><br>we have more than 4 machine running on 4 port PRI card with echo cancellation hardware based.<br><br>i have enabled echo cancel from chan_dahdi.conf using echocancel=yes, now more than 70% of call get good voice <br>
but some of calls having issue for callquality and other voice related issues. now my question is that is there<br>any voice related parameter that we need to set for INDIA specific region and is ther any voice hardware tester for PRI<br>
that we can use and tell us our PRI [telco] provider that problem is not from our side. let give some idea . below are my configuration as well.<br><br><br><br># Autogenerated by /usr/local/sbin/genzaptelconf -- do not hand edit<br>
# Zaptel Configuration File<br>#<br># This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg<br>#<br><br># It must be in the module loading order<br><br><br># Global data<br><br>loadzone = in<br>defaultzone = in<br>
<br><br>span = 1,0,0,ccs,hdb3<br>bchan = 1-15<br>dchan = 16<br>bchan = 17-31<br><br>span = 2,0,0,ccs,hdb3<br>bchan = 32-46<br>dchan = 47<br>bchan = 48-62<br><br>span = 3,0,0,ccs,hdb3<br>bchan = 63-77<br>dchan = 78<br>bchan = 79-93<br>
<br>span = 4,0,0,ccs,hdb3<br>bchan = 94-108<br>dchan = 109<br>bchan = 110-124<br><br><br><br>[channels]<br> language=en<br> context=from-pstn<br> switchtype=euroisdn<br> pridialplan=local<br> prilocaldialplan=local<br>
signalling=pri_cpe<br> usecallerid=yes<br> hidecallerid=no<br> callwaiting=yes<br> usecallingpres=yes<br> callwaitingcallerid=yes<br> threewaycalling=yes<br> transfer=yes<br> cancallforward=yes<br> callreturn=yes<br>
relaxdtmf=yes<br> echocancel=yes<br> echocancelwhenbridged=yes<br> echotraining=yes<br> resetinterval=never<br> rxgain=0.0<br> txgain=0.0<br> callgroup=1<br> pickupgroup=1<br> immediate=no<br> group = 0<br>
channel => 1-15<br> channel => 17-31<br> channel => 32-46<br> channel => 48-62<br> channel => 63-77<br> channel => 79-93<br> channel => 94-108<br> channel => 110-124<br><br><br>