Hi,<br><br>I'm working with a SIP phone (Thomson ST2030) that support a "multi-registration" feature.<br>It works this way:<br>- the phone has a main id<br>- some feature keys can be configured to be tied to supplementary ids (with a specific id username and password)<br>
- when the phone boots, it will successively (try to) register with each id (main and supplementary ids).<br>- every outgoing call uses the main id<br>- every incoming call received for any id is handled.<br><br>The trouble I'm having is I can configure either Asterisk or the SIP phone to have supplementary id successfully registered (403 Wrong Password reply though I'm certain the password I provided is correct).<br>
I could find an (impractical) workaround setting in sip.conf a supplementary id with a fixed IP address (and thus removing the need for registration).<br>I'm suspecting a mistake in my config but I prefer to check here.<br>
<br>Is it possible for a SIP to register twice to the same Asterisk server using 2 different ids ?<br>Consulting this list archives gives mixed answers.<br><br>Regards<br>