<div>Hello all,<br clear="all"></div><div>as everybody else here - I guess - I have been playing with the new Asterisk 1.8 release. So far everything went smoothly - the compilation phase was really straightforward, and I have a box ready for real testing now.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I prepared a tutorial out of my experience on how to compile Asterisk 1.8 with iCal, GTalk, SNMP, MySQL, cURL and DAHDI - the usual stuff - so if anybody is interested or has suggestions/improvements, it's here: <a href="http://astrecipes.net/index.php?n=398">http://astrecipes.net/index.php?n=398</a> .I did not include H323 this time as I don't have H.323 gear anymore to test it with! :)</div>
<div><br></div><div>Comments are welcome.</div><div>l.</div><div>Â </div><br>-- <br>Loway - home of QueueMetrics - <a href="http://queuemetrics.com">http://queuemetrics.com</a><br><br>