<p>Hi Everyone</p>
<p>Asterisk 1.4.33 is running with Sangoma/Dahdi for analogue lines to Bell
<p>User claims that call hangup without any interferance to the phone set.</p>
<p>Is there ANYWAY to find out which party hang-up the call or if the call was
cut-off due to other reasons?</p>
<p>I checked the <strong>"asteriskcdrb"</strong> table and it's pretty much
useless in this case as it only logs the duration and other properties but not
cause of the Hangup.</p><p><br></p><p> /var/log/asterisk/full</p>
<p>[Jul 10 10:37:02] VERBOSE[29366] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off
from<br>[Jul 10 10:37:09] VERBOSE[29348] logger.c: -- Executing
[h@macro-dialout-trunk:1] Macro("SIP/1007-0000069a", "hangupcall|") in new
stack<br>[Jul 10 10:37:09] VERBOSE[29348] logger.c: -- Executing
[s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("SIP/1007-0000069a", "1?skiprg") in new
stack<br>[Jul 10 10:37:09] VERBOSE[29348] logger.c: -- Goto