Hi all,<br><br> How can I playback a file within an active call?<br><br>I've tried with ChanSpy whisper mode like this (using AMI):<br><br>Action: Originate<br>Channel: Local/9999@default<br>Priority: 0<br>Variable: MSG=test<br>
Application: ChanSpy<br>Data: SIP/1234-123<br>Async: 1<br><br>and in the dialplan:<br><br>[default]<br>exten => 9999,1,Answer()<br>exten => 9999,n,Wait(2)<br>exten => 9999,n,Playback(${MSG})<br><br> Where SIP/1234-123 is the up bridged channel.<br>
<br>But this is not working (it seams that will work on the rolling CLI, but no sound at all)<br><br>Is there a better way to do it?<br>