Hi Everyone,<br> <br>I want to fine tune the Rx and Tx gain on an analogue
Sangoma card by dialing into another server that is running on Sangoma PRI card
(both services on Bell network).<br> <br>[mwatt1004khz]<br>exten =>
s,1,Answer<br>exten => s,n,PlayTones(1004/1000)<br>exten =>
s,n,Wait(300)<br> <br>If I match the Rx/Tx numbers on both sides by monitoring
"ztmonitor X -vv" am I right with my theory of getting the analogue channel
quality as close to the PRI channel as possible (and in turn get the best
quality sound on analogue lines)?<br> <br>I can't find a Type 102 Milliwatt for
Toronto area to test with but I think my PRI should be a perfect test
system???!!! The milliwatts provided by Bell talk your number back to you
instead of a contineous tone so they can't be used for this
purpose.<br> <br>Thanks,<br>Bruce