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<font size="2"><b>On Wed, 7 Jul 2010 19:19:28 -0400, bruce bruce wrote</b>
<br />> Hi
<br />>
<br />> This is something related and yet un-related to Asterisk.
I have a FreePBX/Asterisk server running and I want to trace everything that
FreePBX does to MySQL. Is there a verbose CLI to MySQL that I can pull up on
terminal and make configuration change to FreePBX and see it in real-time on the
terminal as to what is added to which MySQL table and
<br />>
<br />>
<br />
<br />It is called the mysql query log. Mysql can create a log of all queries it receives. When using Freepbx Asterisk has no knowledge that Mysql is involved (only for CDR) so Asterisk does not send anything configuration related to Mysql.
<br />
<br />--
<br />
Carlos Chavez
<br />
Director de Tecnología
<br />
Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de México S.A. de C.V.
<br />
Tel: +52-55-91169161 Ext
<br />