Hello all Asterisk Users,<br><br>This is my first post here.<br><br>We are in a process of moving Dialogic 240/JCT-T1 from old voicemail server to Asterisk box.<br>Which card drivers do we need?<br>Please share experience if anyone have successfully configured Dialogic JCT-T1 card with asterisk?<br>
<br>Only source proves that this card work with *<br><a href="http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-dev/2003-April/000244.html">http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-dev/2003-April/000244.html</a><br><br>There's not enough info on Dialogic and Asterisk based forums/mailing-list.<br>
and Dialogic boards documentation is based on Windows.<br><br>Thanks:<br>Amardeep<br><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><div id="refHTML"></div>