Hi,<br><br>I'm now thinking of always dialing out to Local/xxx@outbound/n on all my queue members.<br>The reason for this, is both to be able to limit the number of calls to one agent, and to have fail-over-lines on the agents.<br>
(for example, if dahdi fails, go sip)<br><br>But for a few years ago, I did some testing with Local/ channels, and they seemed somewhat unstable in large quantity.<br><br>Are they more safe now? Is it safe to use local channels with the /n modifier as queue members? (i need the n modifier to be able to count continous calls using the h extension).<br>
Lets say it would be around 200 Local channels at max with a lot of calls ending and starting. And a lot of Local channels being created and removed as call attempts in queues fail when either the destination line is busy, or if the local channel context returns Busy() because of call limits.<br>
<br>Regards,<br>Håkon Nessjøen<br>