I'm looking to find a test tool that will register with our Asterisk (Trixbox) server here at work and place an outgoing call via our main SIP trunk (BroadVoice) to confirm that things are working. I've looked around but I can't seem to find any tools that will do what I'm looking for.<br>
<br>I can't just monitor the status of the trunk inside Asterisk, as this is the normal status:<br><br>asterisk*CLI> sip show peers<br>Name/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Port Status <br>
BroadVoice/425256XXXX N 5060 Unmonitored <br>...<br>37 sip peers [Monitored: 5 online, 31 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 0 offline]<br>asterisk*CLI> <br><br>Alternatively, any suggestions as to how I can change the trunk configuration so that it is monitored would be appreciated. The peer config is set as:<br>
<br>allow=ulaw<br>disallow=all<br>canreinvite=no<br>context=from-trunk<br>dtmf=inband<br>dtmfmode=inband<br>fromdomain=<a href="http://sip.broadvoice.com">sip.broadvoice.com</a><br>fromuser=425256XXXX<br>host=<a href="http://sip.broadvoice.com">sip.broadvoice.com</a><br>
insecure=very<br>nat=yes<br>secret=XXXXXXXXXX<br>type=peer<br>username=425256XXXX<br><br><br>Any assistance would be appreciated. I'd rather know when things fail via an automated system rather than learning it's down from the users.<br>
<br clear="all">-- Nathan Clemons<br>