Hi,<br><br>How to set a Gigaset S450IP up to support R-key transfers ?<br>Mine is enabled with firmware 02223.<br><br>In Settings/Telephony/Advanced Settings, I set:<br><br>DTMF Send Settings: SIP info<br>Call transfer:<br>
Use the R-Key to initiate call transfer: yes<br>Transfer call by on-hook: yes<br>Derive target address: from SIP URL<br>Find target address: automatically<br>Hold on transfer target: attended and unattended<br><br>Then, whenever I press the R-Key while on call, I call see that a Flash event is sent to Asterisk (1.6.1.X) which doesn't support this feature (to my knowledge).<br>
I could re-program R-key to send and unused A-DTMF signal instead and tie this signal to an attended transfer feature, for instance, but I'm hesitant to change features.conf as this will apply to every phone.<br><br><br>
Is someone successfull with this R-key transfer (and 02223 firmware) ?<br>What would you suggest ?<br><br>Regards<br><br>